Arrestyd Ltd Product terms & conditions

Main extract - Full terms and conditions on request.

The application, use and processing of the goods is the absolute responsibility of the buyer. Any technical and other advice, information and data provided by the seller, whether verbally, in writing or by way of trials or tests, is given without warranty as to the suitability of the goods for their intended purposes and applications.

Ensure that the application or anchoring of Arrestyd Ltd products are correct as it may cause more wear on the products which would reduce the lifespan on parts. This is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the application and anchoring is correct and the product chosen is fit for purpose, if unsure would have to contact Arrestyd Ltd. If the buyer decides to not let Arrestyd Ltd know prior to purchase then if there is an issue with a product such as wear parts then this is to the cost of the buyer and not Arrestyd Ltd. This can include a shorter lifespan on parts such as the webbing lifelines.

Arrestyd Ltd will not be responsible for any cost incurred due to down time with its products or any warranty given by other sellers as Arrestyd Ltd’s warranty is the only valid warranty for its products. If Arrestyd Ltd’s member of staff is called out to inspect any issue then this would also be to the cost of the buyer.

The seller should ensure they follow Arrestyd Ltd’s manual to the exact details and ensure that the purchaser of the goods fill out their daily, monthly and yearly inspections including a yearly full service unless the product is under high use where the service period may be shortened, the buyer would have to inform Arrestyd Ltd of this.

Arrestyd Ltd reserves the right to change the specification of any of the products featured, without prior notice. For further details of Arrestyd Ltd products please contact us.